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    System combinations

    Combination system - Case 6

    Combination system - Case 6

    • System description: The system is the connection combination of slat belt-type tableware conveyor, cord-type tray conveyor, roller-type rack’s conveyor, chain-type rack’s turning conveyor, pre-washing sink, food waste disposer, tray-stack cart and flight-type & rack-type dish washer.
    • System characteristics: The system completes tasks in a flow process, from tableware re-collection, scrapping, pre-handling and delivery to dish washer for cleaning, which is efficient, time-saving and labor-saving. Classified washing optimizes dish washer’s efficiency to the maximum. Customized design is completely consistent with the on-site demands. The on-site layout is optimized, neat and orderly.
    • Suitable for large-scale employees’ canteen, school and other places.

    Updated: 2017/2/10